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    Years of industrial production experience

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    -Company advantages-

    The fully automatic intelligent casting grinding machine is a high-end intelligent grinding equipment for the successful casting of the company. Three-dimensional, high-precision automatic grinding of various residual burrs and pouring and risers of castings and forgings; suitable for motor brackets, shells, tongs, differential shells, geland, exhaust pipes, elbows, brackets, boxes Body, water pump cover, steering knuckle, pipe joints, etc., have the characteristics of energy saving, environmental protection and low labor intensity. It can realize the grinding of casting risers and residual burrs. It has small installation area and direct teaching, and the programming is simple. Yulong Hongda Machinery Co., Ltd. has established a “five high” standard with high starting point, high target, high quality, high technology and high service, forging good quality products and obtaining a broad sales market. The fully automatic intelligent casting grinding machine is mainly used for the finishing and surface polishing of the mold industry, and is favored by the majority of demand groups in the country. Companies with a good reputation, strong strength, quality products, low prices to serve the majority of users. The fully automatic intelligent casting grinding machine independently produced by our company is a high-quality product after being appraised by experts in the pneumatic tool industry. It is well-known in the industry. We insist that any organization, process and system established within the company must be based on providing better service to customers. In order to enable customers to receive goods quickly, we adopt land transportation; water transportation; air transportation logistics. Distribution, with many customers across the country.



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    全自動(dòng)智能鑄件打磨機,是我公司創(chuàng )新研制成功的鑄件毛邊的高端智能化打磨設備。對鑄、鍛件的各種殘留毛邊及澆、冒口進(jìn)行立體、高精度的自動(dòng)打磨;適用于電機支架、減殼、鉗體、差殼、葛蘭、排氣管、彎管、支架、箱體、水泵蓋、轉向節、管接頭等,具有、節能、環(huán)保、勞動(dòng)強度低的特點(diǎn)。它可以實(shí)現鑄件澆冒口、殘留毛邊的磨削,按裝面積小、直接示教,編程簡(jiǎn)單。 裕隆宏達機械設備建立高起點(diǎn)、高目標、高質(zhì)量、高科技 、高服務(wù)的“五高”標準,鍛造出質(zhì)量良好的產(chǎn)品,獲得廣闊的銷(xiāo)售市場(chǎng)。供應的全自動(dòng)智能鑄件打磨機主要用于模具行業(yè)的精加工及表面拋光處理,在全國區域范圍內受到廣大需求群體的青睞。公司憑借良好的信譽(yù),雄厚的實(shí)力,優(yōu)質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品,低廉的價(jià)格服務(wù)于廣大用戶(hù)。 由我公司自主生產(chǎn)的全自動(dòng)智能鑄件打磨機,是經(jīng)氣動(dòng)工具行業(yè)專(zhuān)家鑒定后評定為優(yōu)質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品,享譽(yù)業(yè)界。我們堅持公司內部建立的任何組織,流程,制度都必須建立在為客戶(hù)提供更優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù)的基礎上,為了讓客戶(hù)能夠快速的收到貨物,我們采取的是陸運;水運;空運的物流方式進(jìn)行配送,在全國擁有眾多客戶(hù)。


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